The game has five standard vowels (A, E, I, O, U), not Y.
The first letter in today's Wordle answer is E, which is the 14th most likely to begin a solution.
There are no repeated letters in today's Wordle, although 748 of the 2,309 Wordle answers contain one.
The last letter in today's Wordle is T, which is a very common letter to end a Wordle answer.
The answer is an order, and if you want to know today's Wordle answer, scroll down.
The best start word performance is TRICE (2 remaining answers) and SPINE (26) from WordleBot's Top 20 start words.
The winner of today's Wordle answer is EDICT, a slightly more difficult Wordle after three that have been on the easy side.
The choice between EDICT and EVICT, a dilemma that will have confronted many, was a good start.